
mass - 2004-01-23 10:37:55
Will you bring good luck if you spank the monkey?
Dante - 2004-01-23 14:35:19
GROAN! Massey!
chrisco - 2004-01-23 21:17:48
justin was talking about miniature monkeys, and we all know that the monkey mass will be spanking doesn't fall into that category!
j2 - 2004-01-24 01:56:29
I have two Chinese women who work for me. One from Shanghai (who graduated from UCLA) and the other is Cambodian of Chinese descent who escaped Pol Pot's regime leaving with her family on a boat when she was 2. They taught me to bring my staff Lotto Scratchers for Chinese New Years which was fun even if no one won.
JJ - 2004-01-24 09:11:22
That's interesting, J@ because Mikey's family escaped the Communists in China in 1949 AND I have another Michael in my life who is Vietnamese and his family was running from Ho Chi Mihn. Neither brought be any scratch tickets, but we did have a great dinner

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