
chrisco - 2003-12-06 12:53:55
so glad you are feeling better, jj! sinus infections can be nasty things, but iv fluids?? you must have been in a bad way. take care of yourself now and don't overdo things.
mass - 2003-12-06 13:53:54
C'mon JJ, there are many less drastic ways to lose weight before the holidays! Glad to hear that you're starting to feel better. Last May when I had SARS-lite, the doc eventually gave me some codeine cough syrup which finally allowed me to sleep through the night without constantly coughing myself awake. Ahh, those simple things in life, like sleep!
Stonering - 2003-12-06 14:55:02
That sore throat sounds like what I've described, and felt, when I've had strep throat. Nasty nasty nasty. I'm glad you're feeling better, keep on the trend.
durlx - 2003-12-06 19:24:15
JJ, how absolutely dreadful! So glad you're feeling a bit better and I ditto chrisco's advice... although I'm sure you have plenty of in-house doctoring to see you through. :)
Tony - 2003-12-06 21:02:30
I sympathize with you, Justin. I've had five surgeries (one of them really serious) and the sickest I've ever been (also the only time I ever fainted) was with sinusitis many years ago. I'm just glad you have Ray there to make certain you're properly cared for. Get well quick!
jeff - 2003-12-06 23:47:06
my goodness sweetie, when it rains it pours(not meaning the snot)! thank god for codeine! all my love coming your way :)
tejaz - 2003-12-07 01:27:49
missed you jj, glad you're feeling better. take care sweet goat boy.
JJ - 2003-12-07 12:18:39
Y'all are so sweet. I'm actually eating a little more and am planing a return trip to the office Tuesday. But I am pissed off, somebody owes me a week of my life. Codeine sure provides you with some colorful dreams. Someone should have written this stuff down, It was a Fellini movie.
oneken - 2003-12-07 12:41:59
kanas state seems to have shared your dreams ;-)

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