
Trip - 2003-05-27 01:54:18
I'm at Level 2, "The Lustful" (heh-heh ... who couldn't see that coming!?!) ... but hey, at least I have Cleopatra and helen of Troy to keep me company
Dante - 2003-05-27 09:30:38
studly father of two? . . .aww. . *blush* But how did I score a level 7? I'm not violent. I think there should be a level for slightly or occasionally naughty. I'd fit there.
mass - 2003-05-27 10:04:03
I'm lustfully there with you in Level 2, Trip.(Hmmmm, "Level 2" sounds like a parking garage or something--and gee, look at all those cars that seem to be rocking up and down, I wonder what's going on inside them.....?)
tejaz - 2003-05-27 16:54:40
level 2 too. what say the three of us hook up?
:) Nicole - 2003-05-27 18:04:25
Um, I'm gluttonous. Hey! What's for dinner? ;)
JJ - 2003-05-27 18:04:45
I scored 'very high' on lustful Level 2, too. I think I am seeing a pattern
jeff - 2003-05-27 18:44:45
OMG I am in level 7 with you Dante! I'm not violent either--what's up with that? I also scored very high in level 2. Hmmmmm
j2 - 2003-05-29 02:01:29
Level 3 - Gluttonous. hmm... is that why Alex and I are always going out to good restaurants when we're together? I also scored high in violence which offended me until I read that level is where the Sodomites go. Makes sense to me!

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