
Anne - 2003-04-17 20:22:37
I really love your's the first on my list. Thanks for being here. My partner of 13 years has "early" alzheimers. Just got her on memantine. We get it from England. She was already on reminyl and lexapro. we also registered with "safe return" of alz. assoc. she doesn't wander...too scared.... but now we have info on each of us (dogtag type necklace) in case of an accident or separation in crowds. Pray your dad is home soon.
durlx - 2003-04-17 22:39:01
I am going through the early alzheimers thing with my Dad now... he seems happy enough, but he just doesn't have any short term memory anymore. A shopping list with ten things on it is way too much for him, so we now know that he can't live alone, let alone drive a car. He's been staying with my bro for a few months, but we have to figure out what to do for him for the long term. We've started looking at options. None of them look great so far.
mass - 2003-04-17 23:09:16
I hope that your Dad returns home soon safe and sound Justin. Thinking of you........
Justin - 2003-04-17 23:28:18
Thanks, he's been gone 12 hrs now. The police are looking for him but so far nothing. My sister and I ate a whole bag of M&Ms but that didn't help either. This sucks!
dorkfysh - 2003-04-18 01:16:20
I'm hoping your dad comes home soon. Alzheimer's is a mean disease. *hugs*
Trip - 2003-04-18 04:48:08
Hey ... you are loved by many ... reach out if you need to ... the best of vibes flowing your way
Justin - 2003-04-18 08:23:51
Well, the police found him wandering around the airport about 2am. He was fine and totally clueless as to why Airport security was so upset with him wandering around disoriented and trying different doors. What a night!
Larry - 2003-04-18 11:23:56
Glad to hear your Dad was found. What a stressful time you must have had! Keeping good thoughts for you.
durlx - 2003-04-18 14:08:42
Justin, so glad you found him. (The airport, yikes!) A couple a months ago, my Dad got up on Saturday night, thought it was Sunday morning and drove to church. Of course, no one was there. He went back home and called my brother in Boston concerned that no one else showed up for church. It never once ocurred to him that it was dark night at the time. He lives out in the country and this kind of lost driving is mostly safe enough, but the look on his face when he is disoriented is the thing that is most heart-breaking. Our family doctor tells us that there is no way for us to tell how he actually sees things... It's all fiercly strange and mysterious, my heart goes out to you, JJ.

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