
Nicole F. - 2003-03-10 20:05:48
You come up/find/uncover the strangest/funniest/informative/scary blog topics of all my daily reads. LOL! I love coming here because I never know what you'll blog about next. BTW--Go Braves! Any knitting lately? Socks on circs?
JJ - 2003-03-11 05:48:40
Hi Nicole, I have signed up to take an all day Socks on cirs class in April. I decided I need professional instruction. Meanwhile, I picked up some of that sparklie Eros ladder yarn and am mixing with eyelash yarn for some fab-glam scraves for the ladies
mass - 2003-03-11 08:59:33
Darn, we never have anything exciting like that happen at our concerts. Maybe it's time to add some animals to our sets.....
Dante - 2003-03-11 14:46:29
Don't you dare Mass. I have heard abous some local okie musicians who are animal lovers but so far no one has tried to love an animal onstage.

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