
durlx - 2003-03-03 17:44:28
JJ, I don't know if being a better knitter would make you any happier, but I do know that you are a very accomplished journalist. If I were you, I'd be very happy about that.
Nicole F. - 2003-03-03 19:14:28
So what if you take a "look but don't touch" position about your knitting. That doesn't make you a "bad" knitter. Why do you knit in the first place? To show off the skills you have to others? To relax? To learn new techniques? If you're bored with knitting, try something new--or go back to a type of project you really enjoy. It might just be the doldrums. Take a break from knitting (or go hog-wild in a yarn store for new inspiration). Either way, don't stress out. BTW, I'm a big cheerleader for my students. They're about to retake the Georgia Graduation Test in Writing, so today I gave them all pep talks to prep them for tomorrow. Maybe I'm still in the "YOU CAN DO IT" mindset? Whatchya think? :)
Tony - 2003-03-03 20:32:00
Justin, you do so many things so well that this perceived deficiency is almost funny. (Could Einstein lay brick? Maybe he couldn't or maybe he was a pro but it could only have mattered to him.) I'm a pianist (or I was before carpal tunnel syndrome made my playing sound as if I were using oven mitts) and I've always played much more difficult works than I was trained for just because I enjoy them and thats the only reason you should attempt more difficult knitting patterns of socks or golfclub bootees or jockstraps. If you wanna try them, do so but if you're knitting for enjoyment, don't make it some sort of competition with yourself.
jeff - 2003-03-03 23:25:34
i love you jj! i can only say that you will get better with practice, dear, and if you dont then who cares? your reasons for knitting arent to make a commercialm success of it----chill out and have fun!
Larry - 2003-03-04 08:21:26
You knit socks. You're good at it. I don't make socks partly because I'm afraid I won't be good at it. But I'm starting a pair later today just to see if I can do it. I make hats and I don't even wear them. I have a big stack that just sits here taking up space. But I enjoy making hats, period. I can make very complicated sweaters but I get tired of them before I finish them. I'm really just a process person I guess. So I'd say if the process is still fun just keep on with what you're doing until you're ready to move on or ahead.
mass - 2003-03-04 08:51:50
Justin, I love the socks that you made for me- that cable knit is beautiful and they've kept my feet nice and warm during this arctic winter we've been having. Wearing them makes me think of you, the same way I think of my Mom while wearing one of the sweaters that she knit, and I love having that connection to a real person. We need more of those threads connecting us all in this crazy world. Thank you for doing a fine job of keeping us connected to you and to others.
katherine - 2003-03-04 11:01:44
Justin, if you're happy with what you knit, then just do what makes you happy. If that, at some point, means "improving your skills" (however you want to define it), then do it, but in the meantime, If It Ain't Broken, Don't Fix It (oh, say, I knew all those years of reading Ann Landers would come in handy one day :-)
QueerJoe - 2003-03-04 13:00:06
Do what you enjoy. If you find trying to knit a sweater sucks, rip out any knitting you've done and make bad socks that keep your family's feet warm or send the whole lot to me and let me finish it. My first attempts at knitting sweaters were acceptable, but I had no idea how to do finishing. I've since learned many skills that make sweaters easy for me. I also would golf if you paid me. Different strokes (definitely no pun intended).
Dante - 2003-03-04 14:21:13
JJ, Repeat after me, "I don't do things I don't do well". Repeat as often as needed.
Michael - 2003-03-05 08:41:28
We love your sock,even the homely ones
sandy - 2003-03-06 07:03:16
there are no bad knitters! Okay, there are. But from the looks of your finished items, you are not one of them! Choosing to not do some patterns does not make you a bad knitter. Repeat after me...... "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonnit, people like me!" K Sandy

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