
Trip - 2003-02-10 18:01:03
I'd give my left one for those internet pix, especially you-know-who's ... have I mentioned my e-mail addy?
Tony - 2003-02-10 19:01:11
Daggonit! Those links never work for me. (And I bet I could have gotten a lot of answers correct )
Michael - 2003-02-10 19:06:25
Uruguay, Sweetie. Not Brazil
tejaz - 2003-02-10 19:18:09
thanks for the help mikey!!!
joop - 2003-02-11 08:20:28
couldn't get past the great free offers. darn.
mass - 2003-02-11 09:02:34
Oy vey, I wanna meet that rabbi!
Dante - 2003-02-11 10:41:23
Ummm... I think I might be the stalker.
JJ - 2003-02-11 18:11:51
The str8 guy knows me best. Anybody else laughing. And Mass, Rabbi Jake is a total hottie. You can see his pic here. He's the bald guy in the tiny black bikini with the killer bod. You'd like him, he's got good politics
mass - 2003-02-12 09:09:08
Yum, I like him whatever his politics are!

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