
Rob - 2003-01-13 12:01:09
RE: the video.....smarmy, obnoxious, and scarey, all rolled into one. Hey JJ, just where in KS are you? I lived in KC (MO) for 6 years awhile prior to grad school and have friends around KC into KS. Thanks for a fun blog--it's cool to have a peepshow into your interesting life!
dorkfysh - 2003-01-13 15:26:39
The last word I would ever use to describe you is boring.
Scott - 2003-01-13 21:01:50
Just so you know, I have been reading your blog for a few months now. I find you to be insightful and very interesting. I look forward to reading your thoughts and goings on. So dont give it a second thought. You're fabulous.
Larry - 2003-01-13 21:26:58
Re: soccer practice. Needs work. Nothing novel here. Sorta cute guys. Dumb music. I read your blog every day. I really enjoy not only your wit but your honesty and insight. I've encouraged my daughter to read it also. Hope the alternative school works.
durlx - 2003-01-14 04:48:34
That video, definitly all of the above. To me the central issue is who would want to call themselves "gay pimp"? Don't worry about your blog, it's a great read and I look forward to it every day.
Trip - 2003-01-14 11:57:37
Your pages are pretty. Your wit is very sharp. You're creative and handsome. And you're fabulous ENOUGH to have a lot of people APPRECIATE you, if not entirely LOVE you (I still have trouble applying that concept if most do not actually KNOW you). And, hey ... Ray and Mikey and Durly and Pebs and Marcus and I are all also over 30 -- you gonna kick us out? The video is cute, and more than kids had even a few years ago. Love to you, Special Guy.
Dante - 2003-01-14 12:36:37
JJ, you are happy, and that is what makes you interesting.
Dante - 2003-01-14 12:38:27
JJ, you are happy, and that is what makes you interesting.
JJ - 2003-01-14 16:26:50
Rob, We live in Prairie Village, which is one of the Kansas side 'burbs
Tony - 2003-01-14 20:56:59
Justin, I loved you long before you started this journal and also enjoyed your views on life. I can't imagine you envying anyone especially since you know that we all have our daily trials to endure and the grass is always. . . etc. As for the video, it's all of the above. Cutes guys but I think I could write better lyrics AND music.
mass - 2003-01-14 22:41:41
Justin,your words and thoughts are definitely a bright spot in my day. And besides, I bet that other guy can't knit fabulous socks like you can! As for the video......cute guys, but sort of obnoxious music, at least to this old fogey folkie!
jeff - 2003-01-15 19:18:58
Justin, this almost 40 year old fogey thought that the gay pimp video was hot and smarmy--i loved it--i liked the beat and laughed my ass off thru most of it. I think i'll watch it again!
tejaz - 2003-01-16 00:20:05
loved the gay pimp video justin. meet you in the showers after soccer practice.

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