
dorkfysh - 2002-11-12 12:25:00
Are you ok? I hope you aren't broken. Oh and by the way...I'm to say that Lucretia sent me.
jhames - 2002-11-12 16:59:08
You remind me of a Skinny Puppy song.
Lucretia - 2002-11-12 18:43:57
As a bad hip/knee person who falls down far too often, I'd just like to congratulate you on doing it in the privacy of your own home. Oh yeah, and I sent dorkfysh!
Jared - 2002-11-12 23:57:28
Hope it's only your pride that got injured. Feel better soon!
JJ - 2002-11-13 06:30:20
The good news is that the morning doesn't bring anything more than the usual aches and pains. I lived to fall another day
tejaz - 2002-11-14 21:26:08
was there really fresh coffee in the kitchen? ~g

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