
Meagan - 2002-10-02 16:16:13
Did you change the cats' litter recently? That might be it...although that's probably the first thing you thought of, eh? And don't worry too much about Bailey just watch if she goes to the bathroom right after dinner and all you can hear is running water. At our (seeing as I'm only 2 years her senior) age the metabolism is really fast. My mom thinks I'm anorexic because she doesn't SEE me eat but I down food like there's no tomorrow and my hipbones could still puncture the kid that gets too close in the hall.
Justin - 2002-10-02 18:17:26
Thanks Meagan, I actually worked for a semester on an eating disorders unit, so I know most of the tricks, but DAMN, you should see Bailey eat. She can knock back a 12 piece bucket of KFC
Lucretia - 2002-10-03 04:23:41
I also at like that as a teen, ate revolting amounts of food (people watching would sometimes gag) and still had hipbones and ribbones and pointy shoulders. And I was the laziest kid out. But then I got to my mid-20's and spurted a kid. Now every mouthful gets me closer to a new size in pants. I hope this is the case with Bailey too. That she has feaky metabolism, not that she'll get pregnant....Damn, now I'm going to make you worry about something else...

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