Greetings From Justinland
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3-11-2003 - 4:37 p.m.

The Blogger of Baghdad

I'm not going to write much today, rather I'd like to direct you to this blogger

He's a funny, articulate guy that just happens to be living in Baghdad.

If you think American duct tape jokes were funny, imagine what a witty Iraqi guy would have to say about the human shields.

I like this man, I sure as hell my tax dollars don't kill him

Opening Day for Baseball Countdown: 13 days!!

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Previously in Justinland: Our Last Five Entries

Wagons Ho! - 4-23-2004

This Old Barn - 4-17-2004

Death and Taxes - 4-15-2004

MMQB:Leftover Peeps - 4-12-2004

The Alamo; The Movie not the Shrine - 4-10-2004

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