
narisanne - 2004-04-02 20:20:55
I don't like paying attention either. I vacillate between news junky and ostrich.My partner has alzheimers and I have a beautiful 6 month old grandson. Hard to find middle ground any more. Love your blog. First one I check .
oneken - 2004-04-02 20:43:01
"pure hatred" is an unfortunately hysterical concept, the product of idealist analysis. after all these years i still humbly recommend that anyone do himself and his children an inestimable favor by making it his business to understand the fundamentally barbaric nature of imperialism. it's not that hard to fathom-- it's a hypercapitalist secret right out in the open for anybody to see. human beings are not chopped up and hung from bridges for sport by a nation's population. it's because enemies have come to kill them. if you have a favorite sports team, be it baseball or football or whatever, and multiply that crude tribalism a thousandfold, then you will begin to be able to imagine what is must be like to have your country invaded by foreigners.
hilary - 2004-04-02 22:56:27
jj-i read your blog all the time, and i enjoy what i read. not that i didn't enjoy today's entry, and not that i want you to turn into an ostrich......the world is cruel, horrid, beautiful all at once. just watch a squirrel catch a bird and eat it in the garden to know this. it's hardest when we watch people kill each other, we always want to assign some moral value to the killing, because god knows most of the time it's certainly not for the eating that we kill each other. you're at a time in your life when you're raising your kids, and this is should be the centre of your existence. inevitably they will learn that the world is not as fun as, say, dad and his boyfriends. they will learn that the world hasn't always accepted dad and his boyfriends and that if they had lived 50 years ago, they would be wards of the state and dad and his boyfriends would be... well, a variety of things, none of them good. i have little kids. i don't live in the u.s., nor would i want to. i fear, and fear for, your country...but then, if i think about it a lot, i fear for much of the world. most of the time, i just think about getting through every day, being a good parent, teaching my children about the world as they grow able to understand that anything exists outside of themselves (hey, they're 2 and 4 years old). i work hard. i make a difference every single day. i think you do too.
chrisco - 2004-04-03 00:26:42
i was thinking about this today too. there has always been hatred in the world, and as well as being a hysterical concept, as oneken says, "pure hatred" is also an oxymoron. that doesn't make it any less real. there is something in the nature of the human mind that insists on having a group to hate. something makes us thrive on having enemies, be they jews, nazis, homosexuals, muslims, americans, communists, french, republicans, democrats, blacks, whites, men, women, palestinians, christians--it seems everyone has had the dubious honor at one time or another to be numbered among the enemy; equally as appalling is the fact that we all have had the urge to smite those who stand on the other side of the fence. can we overcome this? although it seems most of the time that the answer is no, there is no point in going on living if we truly believe that. i believe that as individuals we can only strive and aspire to be a better species than it seems we are. teach your children well.
tejaz - 2004-04-04 00:45:16
now i'm scaired of carniverous squirrels. :)

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