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3-15-2004 - 5:56 p.m.

MMQB: IDS of March Edition

Favorite Fast Food: Lemon filled Krispy Kremes

Bids on Ebay: 50 postage stamps that featured elephants

Most Dangerous Obsession of the Week: I think we will change the name of the category to �passion� Passion is better than Obsession. Unless you are talking about perfume and then I don�t like either of them

Most Dangerous Passion: Michael�s long black hair

Song of the Week:�Love is All� Yanni It�s on the �Tribute� CD�

Future Mrs. Travis of the Week: I�m taking applications. Interested? E-mail me

Democrat of the Week: Sue Storm, my state representative

Reading: �Dream catcher� by Stephen King

$$$ spent at Target: $89. Most of that groceries

Disappointment of the Week: the weather, cold and rainy

Recipe of the Week: I can�t recall cooking or eating, but I am sure I did!

Where I Wish I was Instead of Here: anywhere without rain

Close Encounter of the Tantric kind: three

Health: I had a little tummy bug, nothing serious

Sox on the needle: It�s the blue-black Opal Croc with a cable..and it's looking great

Goal for the coming week: Infinite patience

Good Dad Moment from last week: buying Craigory 4 new tires

Book read to Maria: We�ve started on the Felicity �American Girls�

Laugh of the Week: The Bush-Cheny Website with the do-it-yourself campaign posters. Your tax dollars at work, folks. Thanks to Sean for the link. It was fun while it lasted.

M2 and I went to see Yanni last night. You recall that we scored tickets by giving PBS a fat check. Got a nice coffee mug too. You also recall that I didn�t give a rat�s ass if you don�t like Yanni, because I do. I find his music uplifting and peaceful. I especially like the third world turn he�s taken on the �Ethnicity� CD. I mean, he had an aboriginal guy playing that Australian didgeridooo thing. It was a freaking celebration and we got up to dance, along with some of the lovely ladies from the violin section

However M2 and I had to be the youngest people there. Yanni seems to draw a different sort of crowd; Lots of grey haired ladies. Lots of lesbians and a scary amount of severely disabled people in their powerchairs, all rolled up to the front row and acting like Yanni was a faith healer and they were going to walk again.

Well, I don�t know about all that, but I try to keep an open mind Oh, and he looked HOT in black leather pants.

Meanwhile, why we were at the show, Ol Doc Hawk seized the moment and lured that slutty but tasty Rianne into bed.

So how was your week?

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Previously in Justinland: Our Last Five Entries

Wagons Ho! - 4-23-2004

This Old Barn - 4-17-2004

Death and Taxes - 4-15-2004

MMQB:Leftover Peeps - 4-12-2004

The Alamo; The Movie not the Shrine - 4-10-2004

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