Greetings From Justinland
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3-28-2003 - 7:14 p.m.


I was going to answer the Friday Five today but the question all seemed self indulgent.

1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week?

Probably Uncle John's much needed bath, although it was hardly what I would call a highlight

2. What one person touched your life this week?

This photo of an Iraqi shepherd touched my heart. He's a handsome rascal and the man owns sheep. I own sheep. These are real people we are fighting, folks

3. How have you helped someone this week?

See #1

4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week?

Become an instrument of peace. It may be an effort. If that doesn't happen, at least I want to finish the red crocodile socks

5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place?

Will any of my actions over the next 7 days make the world a better place?

I hope so.

Psychologists tend to be optimistic folks that believe that we are all capable of change. Can we see that change occur in the 10 visits your HMO will pay for is another story.

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Previously in Justinland: Our Last Five Entries

Wagons Ho! - 4-23-2004

This Old Barn - 4-17-2004

Death and Taxes - 4-15-2004

MMQB:Leftover Peeps - 4-12-2004

The Alamo; The Movie not the Shrine - 4-10-2004

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