Greetings From Justinland
There's No Place Like Home archives sign SEND YOUR LOVE INTO THE FUTURE I Link, therefore I am Your Love Boat Crew Take a Walk in Our Garden 100 things clix Goatboi Gallery Tell Dr JJ all about it
1-11-2003 - 6:08 a.m.

Art History with the Goatboy

Clodion,(Claude Michel) (1738-1814), Satyr en Bacchante, ca. 1775. This one is in the Met, right Joopy?

Nothing like a chubby nymph to make a goatboy's afternoon. BTW, this is French Rococco

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Previously in Justinland: Our Last Five Entries

Wagons Ho! - 4-23-2004

This Old Barn - 4-17-2004

Death and Taxes - 4-15-2004

MMQB:Leftover Peeps - 4-12-2004

The Alamo; The Movie not the Shrine - 4-10-2004

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