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11-19-2002 - 7:00 p.m.

Working Man's Lunch

Every morning, when I am heading into the nursing school, I have been noticing these construction workers trudging up the hill to their worksite with these HUGE lunch boxes. I don�t mean like the metal Batman lunch box I carried my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and Little Debbie Snack cake to grade school. These things are large enough to be hauling a Thanksgiving dinner and a case of beer around.

Now, I realize that working construction burns up more calories than sitting around all day talking to clients about how they feel...which explains why I am packing Lean Cuisine and a Diet Coke, but what are these guys eating? Or is it a size queen thang and the bigger the lunchbox the better.

I'm a scientist, I wanted to know

So I asked

I intercept a worker on his way up the hill. �That�s a mighty big lunchbox, Dude� I say. �Do you mind if I ask what you are packing?� I smile innocently.

My new best friend sizes me up and correctly guesses that I am not a homeless person asking for a share of his lunch. �Why do you want to know?� he asks

�I�m a psychologist� I explain, although the truth is, that explains nothing

The construction dude shrugs and opens up the mystery box to reveal 4 sandwiches...meatloaf with ketchup on white, 2 apples, a muffin, a can of Pringles BBQ flavor, oatmeal raisin cookies and big thermos of coffee. Apparently a mid-morning snack is packed as well as lunch.

A brother worker approaches and is curious to see what all the fun is about. Dude #1 says �Hey Fergie, show the psychologist what�s in your cooler.� The way he says �psychologist� sounds a little bit like he really means �skinny fag in a tie that eats Lean Cuisine�

Fergie has 4 sandwiches too. 2 ham, 2 egg salad. He has a quart bag filled with Sunchips, a Tupperware dish of peaches, an apple, Oreos, leftover Halloween candy and a frozen bottle of Aquafina.

I thank my new friends for participating in my abbreviated research study and wish them a good day. Us working men have to be getting to our jobs

Want to read about the history of lunchboxes ? Look here

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Previously in Justinland: Our Last Five Entries

Wagons Ho! - 4-23-2004

This Old Barn - 4-17-2004

Death and Taxes - 4-15-2004

MMQB:Leftover Peeps - 4-12-2004

The Alamo; The Movie not the Shrine - 4-10-2004

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