Greetings From Justinland
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11-10-2002 - 7:41 p.m.

Simple Pleasures

Simple pleasures seem to be a recurrent theme for me and this weekend has been abundant with pleasure. The Ramonster (thanks Markie) claims that I am a sensual and indulgent creature, but he loves me, so what does that say about him?

Stop and smell these roses with me:

A brilliant red tree

The color of the trees is still amazing. We weren�t supposed to have a colorful fall because it has been so dry, but I guess no one told the trees. Yesterday, we put the top down on the Miata and took a little point-and-gawk tour of the foliage, just around 4:30 when the sun was getting low and golden. Wow!

Brother Squirrel

at the bird feeding, stuffing himself with cracked corn. Me and the Mister put on another pot of coffee and sat for an hour at the kitchen table, watching the silly squirrel show.

An uninterrupted afternoon

sitting alone on the deck with my knitting. When I knit, I think and the answers to mysteries become apparent. Friday afternoon was fresh, bright and really windy. The wind through the dry leaves was like the roaring sound of the ocean. There were even sea gulls flying overhead. What�s up with that? We have a redbud tree over our deck that kept showering giant yellow heart shaped leaves on my head.

A dinner party

for Michael�s birthday, good friends, good food and plenty of laughing around the table. I fixed Julia Child�s roasted herb chicken recipe (smelled great) and a spinach-cheese casserole. Cheesecake for dessert. One of the dinner guests was so enchanted with our Mikey, he was still here this am. Wink

A Surprise Birthday Brunch

planned by my talkative co-workers. They decorated my cubicle�even though it was days after my birthday so I wasn�t suspecting a thing. Some of them even cooked yummy things like fruit pizza.

Getting my haircut

by a pretty girl and loving the grapefruity smell of the shampoo and the pretty girl...although the beware, the lady knows her way around a razor.

Browsing with the Mister

around a fun new store, tasting the samples, oooing and ahing and buying things that are totally silly, including your favorite sandalwood soap.

Flannel sheets

on the bed and hitting them early with somebody I love

So, how was your weekend?

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Previously in Justinland: Our Last Five Entries

Wagons Ho! - 4-23-2004

This Old Barn - 4-17-2004

Death and Taxes - 4-15-2004

MMQB:Leftover Peeps - 4-12-2004

The Alamo; The Movie not the Shrine - 4-10-2004

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